Wednesday, July 9, 2008

the conversation I had today...

So a office mate of mine was at a meeting where my name turned up. Apparently another co worker needed to talk to me and so my office mate told me so. I went to go find the co worker that needed to talk to me, only to find out that he was talking about someone else. That conversation went a little like this.

Me: "Oh hey, you wanted to talk to me about a project?"
Co-worker: "uhhhh....."
Me: "Something about a project, my office mate told me you wanted to talk to me?"
Co-worker: "OH! that's another Ed, when I said that this demo was so easy EVEN Ed could understand it. I didn't mean you. I meant our marketing guy Ed." *laughs* "I need to straighten this up with your office mate."

So we walk over to my office and straighten everything out and have a good laugh. Somewhat at my expense.

Me: "That was actually really funny."
Office mate: "It's a good thing he wasn't talking about you."
Me: "Nah it's cool. If you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at?"
Office mate: "Ugly people."
Me: "wow..."
Other Office mate: "Isn't that why they were born?"
Me: "wow that topped the first one."

And so we come to the realization that ugly people are there for you to laugh at.
I'm going to burn in hell. But hey I'll have my office mates to keep me company!

Also, up on our whiteboard:

"office mate".name = "Aaron"; //aaron is not his real name
If (time == 12:00)
Else If (FAIL)
Else If (hoursWorked == 8)

I love my internship.