Friday, January 25, 2008

What I've learned from building my first version of a professional portfolio

So while building my professional portfolio I've discovered that I still have a lot to learn. I really thought I had learned a lot over the years at UH but when I try to put it down on "paper" it seems that I really learned quite little. It's not that I haven't learned anything or that I haven't put in any effort. It seems that compared to the rest of the world I still have quite a bit of my own learning to do.

Right now all I can really say is that I've had experience in writing in Java, C/C++, assmebly, and SQL but I haven't really done anything with real merit. I haven't worked on a open source project, which I plan to do, that actually required me to go beyond what I know in a classroom or feel that I can accomplish in a classroom setting. It seems like all the project I've been working on has already been done by someone else and I'm just rediscovering their steps. I feel that I need to go beyond my comfort zone and dip into something where I would have no idea how to go about it and find a solution to a problem.

I know right now that I have the potential to learn any language and excel at it but I haven't found a driving force for me to go out and just learn it. I know that it isn't that simple and that along the way I'll have to learn a lot about language theory and business practices but then again there is the internet and that's what it was originally created for, no?

One of the blog that I've been reading religiously is Jeff Atwood's "Coding Horror" which is a great blog that talks about all the problems that he runs into in the industry.

Another great video that was emailed to me during the course of last semester class is this video on programming languages and web interfaces.

He goes on about how J2EE is not the best for web interfaces because turn around time is absolutely vital to development.

There is also Ninian Wang's blog who is a programmer for Google. I happen to stumble upon this page one day and been reading her blog ever since. She really talks more about life but there are a few gems here and there that relate to Google and how it like working for such a huge and well known company. This is where I want to be someday, soon. I hope.

I hope that one day my blog will be worth reading for other budding developers. Hopefully I'll actually have something worth while to say then.